Step 1: select the Occupier option from the new registration dropdown in the home page of as shown below.
Step 2: On selecting the Occupier, the user will be redirected to the registration page.
Step 3: Enter / select Particulars of the occupier Personnel details, Address details, Login Credential details in appropriate fields as shown below.
Tool tips will be available for every filed explaining the required user input for the field.
The fields marked with * Mark are mandatory.
If you are residing in the Flat / Apartment, check ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the yes option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
Given E-mail id will be the username after mail verification. |
Step 4: After Entering the required fields , Click on the save registration details button.
Step 5: On selecting the save registration details button ,Occupier details and login credential will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be generated .An email will be triggered to your email id for email verification with the subject ‘Mail Verification - DISH’.
Step 6: Login to your Email Id separately and Open the mail with the subject ‘Mail Verification - DISH’.
Step 7 :Click on, ‘Click here’ hyperlink in the ‘Please click here to activate your registration’ Sentence or Copy and paste the link ‘’ in the browser as shown in the below image.
Step 8: on selecting ‘Click here’ or Copy and paste of verification link, a verification link will again appear in the browser.
On selecting the link ‘Your email id has been successfully verified’ alert message will be displayed and you will be redirected to the login page.
Step 9: Enter your verified email id in username field, Password in password field and select the login button.
Step 10: on successful validation of your username and password. You will be redirected to home page of your Login.
Step 1: Enter your verified email id in username field, Password in password field and select the login button.
Step 2: on successful validation of your username and password. You will be redirected home page of your Login.
Step 3 : Click on circle shaped Aviator icon on the right top corner of your home page .On the subsequent new pop up ,select “Add New Factory “ link as shown in the below image.
Step 3 a: In case of an occupier having multiple factories , the particulars of the new factory could be added repeating the activities explained in step 3.
Home Page
Step 4 : On Selecting “Add New Factory “ link , you will be redirected to the Particulars of the factory page with the following tabs
General Particulars
Situation of the Factory
Address of Communication
Step 5: Enter / select General Particulars, Situation of the Factory, and Address of Communication in appropriate fields as shown below.
Tool tips will be available for each and every field for describing what to be entered in the particular fields.
If your factory registered as Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME), ‘Whether registered as MSME?’ option button available with “yes” or “no” option. On selecting the yes option system prompts you to select “MSME type” and to Enter “MSME Number”.
Appropriate entries could be selected using Sector dropdown (Private / Public) and Nature of the Industry dropdown (Proprietorship/Partnership/Limited Company).
NIC (National Industrial Classification) code can be entered in two ways
NIC code Search
Selecting the step by step filters (Major, division and manufacturing process).
Using NIC code Search option:
On selecting search button, a pop up window will appear with NIC code and NIC Description fields.
You can search by NIC Code or NIC Description.
Search result will appear and appropriate NIC code can be selected.
Step by Step Filter Option:
Select Major Category Dropdown
Based on the major category selected, corresponding division will be available in Division dropdown. Select the division from the dropdown.
Based on the Division selected, corresponding Manufacturing Processes will be available in Manufacturing Process Dropdown. Select your Manufacturing Process from the dropdown.
On the selecting the Manufacturing Process, NIC code will be displayed automatically.
Ward number field will be enabled and list of ward number will be listed in dropdown, if Local body type is “Municipality” / “Corporation” is selected.
If your factory located in the Flat / Apartment, check ‘Is the factory located in flat / Apartment’. On selecting the yes option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
If your Communication address is Flat / Apartment, check ‘Is the address related to a flat / apartment’. On selecting the yes option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
If your Communication address is not in India, select “others” in the state dropdown .On selecting “others” in the state drop down system enables the other state field. State can be entered manually.
Step 6: After Entering the mandatory fields marked with (*) in General Particulars, Situation of the Factory, Address of Communication tabs, Click on submit button.
Step 7: On selecting the submit button , General Particulars, Situation of the Factory, Address of Communication will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be generated.
Step 1: Enter your verified email-id in Username field and Password in password field and select the Login button.
1.a : On successful validation of username and password user will be redirected to the home page.
Step 2: On selecting the circle shaped Aviator icon on the right top corner of the home page, a pop-up will appear. Select Name of the factory from the dropdown for which application of factory Plan Approval has to be submitted and select Dashboard Link as shown below.
2.a : On selecting the dashboard link, user will be redirected to services home page.
Step 3: Select ‘Services offered under Factories Act’ link/ Menu. On Selecting the Link / Menu, the services under factory act will be listed.
3.a : Select ‘Plan approval’ service. On selecting this user will be redirected to the ‘Plan approval’ flow as shown below.
Step 4 : Particulars of the factory
The already provided
details of the factory will be auto
displayed in the respective fields. User can edit those details such as Particulars
of the factory, Situation
of the factory, Address
for communication etc. He can select Submit button.
If no modification is required, user can click on Submit
button directly.
Tool tips will be available for all the fields illustrating the required input.
The fields marked with “*” Mark are mandatory.
If your factory is registered as Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME), Select “Yes” option in ‘Whether registered as MSME?’. On selecting the "yes" option, system prompts user to select MSME type and to enter MSME Number.
Appropriate entries could be selected using Sector dropdown (Private / Public) and Nature of the Industry dropdown (Proprietorship/Partnership/Limited Company).
NIC (National Industrial Classification) code can be entered in two ways
NIC code Search
Selecting the step by step filters (Major category, division and manufacturing process).
Using NIC code Search option:
On selecting search button, a pop up window will appear with NIC code and NIC Description fields.
You can search by NIC Code or NIC Description.
Search result will appear and appropriate NIC code can be selected.
Step by Step Filter Option:
Select Major Category Dropdown
Based on the major category selected, corresponding division will be available in Division dropdown. Select the division from the dropdown.
Based on the Division selected, corresponding Manufacturing Processes will be available in Manufacturing Process Dropdown. Select your Manufacturing Process from the dropdown.
On the selecting the Manufacturing Process, NIC code will be displayed automatically.
4.a : General Particulars
4.b : Situation of the Factory
Ward number field will be enabled and list of ward number will be listed in dropdown, if Local body type “Municipality” / “Corporation” is selected.
If your factory is located in the Flat / Apartment, Select “yes” option in ‘Is the factory located in flat / Apartment’. On selecting the “yes” option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
4.c : Address for Communication
If factory Communication address is not in India, select “others” in the state dropdown.On selecting “others” in the state drop down, system enables the Other state field and state can be entered manually.
On selecting the submit button , General Particulars, Situation of the Factory, Address of Communication will be saved and"Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
The “Preview Form No 1” button may be used at any time to see the preview Form No. 1 with details entered so far. On completion of each step, flow arrow will turn to green colour from red colour |
4.d : After successful submission of factory details, select "Particulars of the Occupier" from the Plan approval flow.
Step 5: On selecting Particulars of the Occupier, user will be redirected to Particulars of occupier Page with the following tabs.
Particulars of Occupier
Present Address
Permanent Address
Identity and Address Proof
5.a : The Occupier details which was saved in the User Registration will be auto displayed in the particulars of the occupier.
The details of the occupier can be edited except the following Fields.
First name/ Main calling Name
Middle Name
Last name / Surname
Date of Birth
Father's Name
e-mail ID
5.b : Particulars of the Occupier
Tool tips will be available for all the fields illustrating required input for the field.
The fields marked with “*” Mark are mandatory.
If the nationality of the occupier is not India, check “Others”.
On selecting the “Others” option system prompts user to enter Passport Number, Visa Type, Visa Valid up to. All the above details are mandatory foreigner.
5.c : Present Address
If occupier is residing in the Flat / Apartment, Select “yes” option in ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the “yes” option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
If Present address of occupier is not in India, select “others” in the state dropdown. On selecting “others” in the state drop down, system enables the other state field and prompts user to enter state manually.
5.d : Permanent Address
If occupier is residing in the Flat / Apartment, Select “yes” option in ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the “yes” option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
If the Permanent address of occupier is not in India, select “others” in the state dropdown. On selecting "others” in the state drop down, system enables the other state field and prompts user to enter state manually.
5.e : Identity / Address Proof
To upload the photo, select the Browse button and select Occupier image located in the system.
5.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the occupier, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click on "Submit" button.
On selecting the submit button, Particulars of the occupier will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 6: After successful submission of Manager Details, select Particulars of the Owner of Premises from the Plan Approval flow.
6.a : On selecting Particulars of the Owner of Premises, user will be redirected to Particulars of owner of Premises Page with the following tabs as shown below.
Particulars of Owner
Present Address
Permanent Address
Identity and Address Proof
6.b : Particulars of Owner
If the Factory premises is owned by Occupier himself, check ‘Owner same as Occupier’ check box to copy Occupier details to Owner details.
If the factory premise is owned by “Individual / Public Organization / Private Organization”, details as required in the following tabs must be entered.
Particulars of Owner
Present Address
Permanent Address
Identity and Address Proof
If “Public Organization” or “Private Organization” is selected in the Type of organization dropdown, system will prompt user to enter the name of Organization / Department and Description.
If “Public organization” is selected in the Type of organization dropdown, the following fields are not mandatory.
First / Main Calling Name
Middle name
Last name / Surname
Date of Birth
Father name
Mother name
Email Id
Mobile number
Tool tips will be available for every field illustrating the required input for the field.
The fields marked with “*” Mark are mandatory.
If the nationality of the Owner is not India, check ‘Others’. On selecting the others option system prompts user to enter Passport Number, Visa Type, Visa Valid up to. All the fields are mandatory for Foreigner.
6.c : Present Address
If the Owner is residing in the Flat / Apartment, check ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the “yes “option system prompts user to enter Flat number, Block number, and flat name.
If Present address of owner is not India, select “others” in the state dropdown .On selecting “others” in the state drop down, system enables the other state field and prompts user to enter state manually.
6.d : Permanent Address
If the Owner is residing in the Flat / Apartment, check ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the "yes" option system prompts user to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name of owner permanent address.
If Present address of owner is in out of India, select others in the state dropdown .On selecting other in the state drop down, system enables the other state field and prompts user to enter the permanent state of owner manually.
6.e : Identity / Address Proof
To upload the photo, select the Browse button and select Owner image located in the system.
6.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the Owner, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click on Add button.
If the Premises is owned by more than one individual, multiple owner details can be added by repeating Step 14 to Step 16 and selecting add Button. |
On selecting the submit button, Particulars of the Owner will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 7: After successful submission of Owner of premises details, select Particulars of the Board of Director / Partner / Registration and license details from the Factory Plan Approval flow.
Particular of the Director / Partner link will be enabled in the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow, if Nature of industry was selected as Limited company/ Partnership firm in the Particulars of the factory details.
For Other nature of Industries, Particular of the Director / Partner link will be disabled and user should proceed with Registration and license details from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
7.a : On selecting Particulars of Board of Director / Partner, user will be redirected to Particulars of Board of Director / Partner Page with the following tabs as shown below.
Particulars of Director / Partner
Present Address
Permanent Address
Identity and Address Proof
7.b : Particulars of Board of Director / Partner
Tool tips will be available for every field illustrating the required input.
The fields marked with “*” Mark are mandatory.
If the nationality of the Board of Director / Partner is not India, check ‘Others’. On selecting the ‘Others’ option system will prompt user to enter Passport Number, Visa Type, Visa Valid up to. All details are mandatory.
7.c : Present Address
If the Board of Director or Partner is residing in the Flat / Apartment, check ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the “yes” option system prompts you to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
If Present address of Board of Director / Partner is not in India, select “others” in the state dropdown .On selecting “Others” in the state drop down, system enables the other state field and prompts user to enter Director/Partner state manually.
7.d : Permanent Address
If the Board of Director / Partner is residing in the Flat / Apartment, check ‘Are you residing in flat or apartment’. On selecting the “yes” option system prompts user to enter Flat number, Block number, and Flat name.
If Present address of BOD / Owner is not in India, select “others” in the state dropdown. On selecting “others” in the state drop down, system enables the other state field and prompts user to enter Director/Partner state manually.
7.e : Identity / Address Proof
To upload the photo, select the Browse button and select Board of Director / Partner image located in the system.
7.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the Board of Director / Partner, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click Add button.
Details of all the directors can be by repeating Step 19 and Step 20 and selecting add Button. |
On selecting the submit button, Particulars of the Board of Director / Partner will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 8: After successful submission of Board of Director / Partner details, select Particulars of Plan from the Factory Plan Approval flow.
8.a : On selecting Particulars of Plan, user will be redirected to Particulars of Plan Page with the following tabs.
Particulars of present plan and previous approvals.
Particulars of capacity and number of workers.
Particulars of manufacturing processes.
8.b : Select ‘Particulars of present plan and previous approvals’ tab.
8.c : Select ‘ Initial Approval ’ Check box and Enter ‘ Initial Approval Description ’
8.d : ‘select Particulars of capacity and number of workers’ tab and Enter ‘Total proposed capacity in H.P.’ and ‘Maximum number of workers proposed to be employed on any one day in the factory’.
If ‘Total proposed capacity in H.P.’ is NIL , Enter ‘0’ zero in the respective fields.
8.e : Select Particulars of manufacturing processes, Chemical Used and Manufacturing Process Carried On in the factory.
If chemicals are used in the factory , select and Enter following details and Click on Add to List,
Name of the chemical ,
type of storage,
Place of Storage,
unit of storage,
Storage capacity,
Capacity in process,
maximum storage capacity
Chemicals added will be displayed in the grid on selecting ‘Add to List’. All the chemicals used in factory to be furnished.
8.f : If factory is engaged in dangerous operation, Select ‘Whether the factory is engaged in dangerous operations prescribed under rule 95 of Tamil Nadu Factories Rules 1950, ‘Click here to specify’ link.
Pop up with dangerous operation will be listed.
Selected the dangerous process as by selecting corresponding check boxes.
If the factory is not involved in any dangerous process, select None check box from the dangerous operation pop up and click on Close button.
8.g : In case factory is engaged in Hazardous process, Select ‘whether the factory is engaged in any hazardous process indicated under section 2(cb) of factories Act 1948, ‘Click here to specify’’ link.
On clicking the ‘Click here to specify’ link, a pop up with Hazardous operation will be listed.
Selected the Hazardous process as applicable in the factory by selecting corresponding check boxes.
If the factory is not involved in any dangerous process, select None check box from the Hazardous operation pop up and click on close button.
8.h : After Entering the Required fields marked with (*), Click on the Submit button.
On selecting the Submit button, Factory Plan Details will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 9: After successful submission Factory Plan Approval Details, select Submit Plan from the Factory Plan Approval flow.
9.a : on selecting the ‘Submit Plan Approval’ from the Factory Plan Approval flow user will be redirected to ‘Submit Plan Approval’ page.
The ‘Plan Approval’ detail which was saved will be auto populated and disabled in respective fields.
9.b : Particulars of manufacturing processes.
Tab and select submit to dropdown list.
In submit to Dropdown, List of Joint Directors (Joint Director’) to whom application has to be submitted based on the location will be listed.
The “Preview Form No 1” button may be used at any time to obtain the details of fields entered so far of Factory Plan Approval flow as shown below.
9.c : select Joint Director from the ‘submit to’ dropdown to whom the factory registration and licensing form has to be submitted and select the submit button.
9.d : After Submission of factory registration and licensing details to Joint Director, Print Button will be enabled.
On selecting Print Button Form 1 will be generated in the Pdf Format.
Click on the Print Icon as shown in the below image. Or user can download the form Pdf by selecting icon next to print icon.
9.e : Take the Print out of From No. 1 and forward Form No. 1 in triplicate with signature of occupier and other necessary documents to respective Joint Director.
Step 10: Documents to be submitted
Form No 1 in triplicate
Blue prints of Topo Plan, Site plan (1:400 Scale) , Detailed plan (1:100 Scale) of buildings along with the machinery installation details in triplicate.
Process Flow chart
Hard Copies of supporting document for occupation of premises ( Sale deed / Lease deed / Rental deed etc.,)
Proof of Identity of Occupier
Proof of Address of Occupier
"Factory" means any premises including the precincts thereof-
(i) whereon ten or more workers are working, or were working on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on, or
(ii) whereon twenty or more workers are working, or were working on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on,
"Occupier" of a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory.
Provided that-
(i) in the case of a firm or other association of individuals, any one of the individual partners or members thereof shall be deemed to be the occupier;
(ii) in the case of a company, any one of the directors shall be deemed to be the occupier;
(iii) in the case of a factory owned or controlled by the Central Government or any State Government, or any local authority, the person or persons appointed to manage the affairs of the factory by the Central Government, the State Government or the local authority, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the occupier:
Step 1: Enter your verified email-id in Username field and Password in password field and select the Login button.
On successful validation of username and password, user will be redirected to the home page.
Step 2: On selecting the circle shaped Aviator icon on the right top corner of the home page, a pop-up will appear. Select Name of the factory from the dropdown for which Application of Factory Registration and Licensing has to be submitted and select Dashboard Link as shown below.
On selecting the dashboard link, user will be redirected to services home page.
Step 3: Select ‘Services offered under Factories Act’ link/ Menu. On Selecting the Link / Menu, the services under factory act will be listed.
3.a : Select ‘Registration of Factory and Licensing’ service. On selecting, this user will be redirected to the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow as shown below.
Step 4: Particulars of the factory
4.a : General Particulars
4.b : Situation of the Factory
4.c : Address for Communication
The “Preview Form No 2” button may be used at any time to see the preview Form No. 2 with details entered so far. On completion of each step, flow arrow on the top of the screen will turn to green colour from red colour |
4.d : After successful submission of factory details, select "Particulars of the Occupier" from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
Step 5: On selecting Particulars of the Occupier, user will be redirected to Particulars of occupier Page with the following tabs.
5.a : The Occupier details which was saved in the User Registration will be auto displayed in the particulars of the occupier.
The details of the occupier can be edited except the following Fields.
5.b : Particulars of the Occupier
5.c : Present Address
5.d : Permanent Address
5.e : Identity / Address Proof
5.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the occupier, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click on "submit" button.
5.g : On selecting the submit button, Particulars of the occupier will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 6: After successful submission of Occupier details, select Particulars of the Manager from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
6.a : On selecting Particulars of the Manager, user will be redirected to Particulars of Manager Page with the following tabs as shown below.
Particulars of manager
6.b : In case no manager is appointed for the factory , Check ‘When no Separate Manager is Appointed, Click this box to declare occupier as manager’. This will copy Particulars of occupier details to Particulars of Manager details.
6.c : Present Address
6.d : Permanent Address
6.e : Identity / Address Proof
6.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the Manager, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click submit button.
6.g : On selecting the "submit" button, Particulars of the Manager will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 7: After successful submission of Manager Details, select Particulars of the Owner of Premises from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
7.a : On selecting Particulars of the Owner of Premises, user will be redirected to Particulars of owner of Premises Page with the following tabs as shown below.
7.b : Particulars of Owner
If the Factory premises is owned by Occupier, himself, check ‘Owner same as Occupier’ check box to copy Occupier details to Owner details.
7.c : Present Address
7.d : Permanent Address
7.e : Identity / Address Proof
7.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the Owner, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click on Add button.
7.g : On selecting the submit button, Particulars of the Owner/ owners will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 8: After successful submission of Owner of Premises details, select Particulars of the Board of Director / Partner / Registration and license details from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
Particular of the Director / Partner link will be enabled in the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow, if Nature of industry was selected as Limited company/ Partnership Company in the Particulars of the factory details.
For Other nature of Industries, Particular of the Director / Partner link will be disabled and user should proceed with Registration and license details from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
8.a : On selecting Particulars of Board of Director / Partner, user will be redirected to Particulars of Board of Director / Partner Page with the following tabs as shown below.
8.b : Particulars of Board of Director / Partner
8.c : Present Address
8.d : Permanent Address
8.e : Identity / Address Proof
8.f : After Entering the required fields marked with (*) in Particulars of the Board of Director / Partner, Present address, Permanent address, Identity / Address Proof tabs , Click Add button.
If the Premises is owned by more than one individual, multiple owner details can be added by repeating Step 8a and Step 8f and selecting add Button.
8.g : On selecting the submit button, Particulars of the Board of Director / Partner will be saved and "Saved Successfully"alert will be displayed.
Step 9: After successful submission of Board of Director / Partner details, select Registration and Licensing details from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow.
On selecting, Registration and licensing details user will be redirected to Registration and Licensing details Page with the following tabs as given below.
9.a : Particulars of Manufacturing Processes, Products, Horse Power installations
If the factory is involved in any manufacturing Process in the preceding calendar year, enter the Nature of the Manufacturing Process and select/search NIC code.
Enter the ‘manufacturing Process to be carried on during the calendar year to which this application for license is submitted’ for the factory and select/search NIC code.
he manufacturing process is same as preceding year check "If the manufacturing process is same as preceding calendar year click this box",
Enter the Products name and Products Value manufactured during the preceding year in the factory and select ‘Add Button’.
Enter Particulars of the Power in H.P actually installed, H.P Additionally Installed in the factory.
9.b : Select ‘Particulars of payment of fees for pressure vessels medical examination of workers’ tab and Enter the Number of Pressure vessels, Number of workers employed in dangerous operations, Number of workers employed in canteen, Number of adolescent workers employed etc.
If the numbers of the following fields are nil,
9.c : Select "Particulars of number of workers, period of license and fee payment" tab and Enter
9.d : Select the Period for which grant /renewal of license application is submitted.
Step 37: Select Particulars of plan approvals and contribution to Tamil Nadu labour welfare fund tab and enter the details of Particulars of the previous plan approval and the particulars of contribution to Tamil Nadu labor welfare fund.
Step 38: After Entering the required fields marked with (*), Click on the Update Factory Registration and License Details button.
Step 39: On selecting the Update Factory Registration and License Details button, Factory Registration and License Details will be saved and "Saved Successfully" alert will be displayed.
Step 40: After successful submission of Factory Registration and License Details, select Submit Registration and Licensing details from the Registration of Factory and Licensing flow
Step 41: on selecting the ‘Submit Registration and Licensing’ from the Registration of Factory and licensing flow user will be redirected to ‘Submit Registration and Licensing’ page.
The Registration and licensing details submitted will be available in respective fields.
Step 42: Select Particulars of plan approvals and contribution to Tamil Nadu labour welfare fund tab and select submit to from the dropdown list
Step 43: Select Joint Director from the ‘Submit to’ dropdown to whom the factory registration and licensing form has to be submitted and select Submit button.
Step 44: After Submission of factory registration and licensing details to Joint Director, Print Button will be enabled.
Step 45: On selecting Print Button Form No. 2 will be generated in the Pdf Format.
Step 46: Click on the Print Icon as shown in the following image. Or user can download the Form No. 2 in Pdf by selecting icon next to print icon.
Step 47: Printed Form No 2 has to be forwarded in triplicate with signature of the Occupier and Manager along with other required documents to the respective Joint Director.
Documents to be uploaded
"Factory" means any premises including the precincts thereof-
(i) whereon ten or more workers are working, or were working on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on, or
(ii) whereon twenty or more workers are working, or were working on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power, or is ordinarily so carried on,
"Occupier" of a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory.
Provided that-
(i) in the case of a firm or other association of individuals, any one of the individual partners or members thereof shall be deemed to be the occupier;
(ii) in the case of a company, any one of the directors shall be deemed to be the occupier;
(iii) in the case of a factory owned or controlled by the Central Government or any State Government, or any local authority, the person or persons appointed to manage the affairs of the factory by the Central Government, the State Government or the local authority, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the occupier:
Pressure Vessels
All the Pressure Vessels operating above atmospheric pressure excluding steam boilers coming under the purview of Indian Boiler Act should be examined or tested externally once in every six months, internally once in every year or hydrostatically once in everytwo years or subjected to ultrasonic test once in every four years.
For examination and testing of Pressure Vessels the occupier should apply in Form No. 8-B along with fee Prescribed under Rule 56–B one month in advance from the date on which the vessel falls due for such examination or test to the Joint Director-ISH concerned .